When was Rock to Recovery established?
Rock to Recovery was founded on 12/12/12 by Wesley Geer.
Where does Rock to Recovery take place?
Since its inception Rock to Recovery has worked with over 200 different treatment programs. We currently serve 100+ facilities in four states: California, Oregon, Washington and Tennessee. We also have a contract with the Department of Defense to serve the Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) program internationally.
Have any bands emerged through Rock to Recovery?
We have formed several thousand bands!
Will you help me write songs?
We have written several thousand songs with our clients!
Will my work be recorded?
Our songs are written recorded live within our sessions and uploaded to our Soundcloud page
How often does Rock to Recovery take place?
As of June 1, 2015, we are performing over 225 Rock to Recovery sessions each month
How old do I have to be to participate?
Rock to Recovery is proud to work with men & women of all ages
Who do you work with?
Rock to Recovery works with people recovering from drug/alcohol addiction, at-risk youths, mental health, eating disorders, co-occuring disorders, and our nation’s Wounded Warriors
Is Rock to Recovery a charity?
Rock to Recovery has two separate business entities; a for-profit and a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization
Where do you distribute your revenue?
A portion of Rock to Recovery’s (for profit) revenue helps fund our non-profit endeavors.
Do you offer scholarships?
Scholarships and funding assistance are available to non-profit and state-funded entities at the discretion of Rock to Recovery. A request for scholarship may be made for Rock to Recovery services, via email: [email protected]
Do you accept donations?
100% of donations to the 501(c)3 Rock to Recovery organization are used to purchase and maintain the musical equipment we use for groups, fund sessions to organizations that could not otherwise afford them, and to compensate our group facilitators when necessary.