How It Works
We come to a treatment facility every week as an adjunct service to the treatment curriculum.
We bring a variety of instruments: guitars, amps, keyboard, various drums & percussion, etc.
We explain the ‘why’ of Rock to Recovery, and share some of our own experiences in recovery. We use music and its scientific benefits as a powerful tool.
We write a song together, using as much creativity from each member as possible, while teaching people to play instruments, often for the first time.
We jam! At the end of each session, we record our song.
After the session, each song is uploaded to our SoundCloud account. We have a catalog of over + 30,000 songs.

Three Formats
Facilities choose to offer Rock to Recovery as weekly sessions for clients. We bring all the gear. We just need a room with an electrical outlet, a few chairs, and we’re ready to go! Optimal group size is 1-14. Programs are offered face-to-face (CA, OR, TN) or virtually.
Individuals may choose private sessions. These may be offered face-to-face or online.
Rock to Recovery® has a non profit program for other non profit or state funded programs. To apply for a subsidized or scholar-shipped program please email [email protected].

Rock to Recovery participants build community and often seek support for suicidal ideation or obsessive thinking.
Playing music has been shown to help relieve anxiety, depression, fear, hopelessness, loneliness, and self-loathing.
Playing music has been shown to increase measures of wellness, such as: self-esteem, hope, connection, happiness, joy, and vitality.
Participants may realize hidden talents or grow in confidence by learning an instrument for the first time or reconnecting with an instrument.
Our songwriting sessions have proven to give people a unique way to express their emotions, creating a cathartic experience.
We sing together! Singing helps regulate brain chemistry by releasing serotonin, dopamine, and Oxytocin.