Piper Benom
Director of Operations/Board of Directors
Piper Benom is a non-profit development strategist specializing in fundraising and organizational planning. She’s a life-long student of music and dance and a dedicated advocate for bringing the arts into underserved communities.
Piper graduated from UC Santa Cruz and holds a master’s degree from American University. She studied ethical fundraising at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana – Purdue University and has been involved in nonprofit development for over 20 years, working with organizations including The Pacific Symphony, The Maple Youth Ballet, Women for American Values and Ethics (WAVE) and Musical Theatre Academy of Orange County among others. Piper serves on the Advisory Council of WAVE and on the board of the California Firearms Strategy Group and has a deep appreciation for organizations that work to improve the quality of life in their communities.
Facilitating music education through the Pacific Symphony’s Class Act program she watched the deeply powerful impact of music on young people and saw up close how music transforms and connects us. Piper is a passionate philanthropy facilitator and enthusiastic supporter of Rock to Recovery’s mission.